Certifications: Acupuncture, Chelation, Prolotherapy, Advanced Injection Therapies / IVs, Immunization, Ozone Therapy, Prescriptive Authority, Vaccination/Immunization
As a naturopathic doctor, I support my patients in identifying and overcoming barriers to reaching their heath goals. I believe that when provided with the correct tools, the body has the ability to balance itself and improve resiliency to the effects of stress on physical and mental health.
As a family naturopathic doctor, I treat a variety of patients and welcome a range of health concerns, but my clinical interests are:
- Neurological Health (concussion, TBI/ABI, MS, Alzheimer's disease & cogntive decline, Dysautonomia (POTS/ME, CFS)
- Mental Wellness (anxiety & depression, stress, low energy)
- Immune Dysregulaton & Autoimmune Conditions (asthma, eczema, chronic infections, environmental allergies, food intolerances & sensitivities, Rheumatoid arthriits, Hashimotos thyroiditis, Graves disease, celiac disease, Type 1 diabetes)
- Female Reproductive Health (Cervical dysplasia, chronic pelvic pain, thyroid disorders, adrenal health, menstrual irregularies, endometriosis, fibroids, hot flashes, low libido, blood sugar dysregulation, frequent urinary tract infections, interstitial cystitis)
- Muskuloskeletal Health (whiplash, chronic pain, chronic sprain/strains, joint pain, acute injuries)
Regardless of how complex health conditions can be, restoration begins with the basics to create a strong foundation for healing. Eating a diet rich in nutritious whole foods, adequate sleep and hydration, and regular physical movement lays the foundation for healing to begin.
I received my naturopathic medical training from the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine after completing an undergraduate honours degree in Biology & Psychology at the University of Victoria. I incorporate acupuncture, dry needling, botanical medicine, therapeutic nutrition, mindfulness counselling, and intramuscular vitamin injections in practice. My skill-set continues to grow with courses in total body modification (TBM), chronic pain management, mental health, and mind-body medicine.
Recognizing that each patient is unique, I work with you to create a comprehensive and tailored plan to reach your health goals. When not in the clinic, you will find me cycling rain or shine or reading at the beach.