Certifications: Acupuncture, Chelation, Aesthetic Procedures, Prescriptive Authority
Over 24 years experience at your service.
Accepting New Patients - to replace those who are better, know how to stay that way and so no longer need my active services.
Complex chronic illnesses that have not been satisfactorily assessed or addressed by western medicine are a particular focus in my practice.
Also the interplay between physical health and mental and emotional well-being, including addressing the long term effects of traumas, whether relatively recent or from long, long ago.
In addition to regular naturopathic medical services, also offering:
Live and Dried Blood Analysis
Applied Kinesiology Testing, commonly known as Muscle Testing
Classical Homeopathy
Oral Chelation (using pills and liquids) rather than Intravenous Chelation, for needle-shy people whose health is affected by heavy metals
Thermography for Breast Health Assessment - this is available to the general public, not just to my patients.
Mesotherapy is the aesthetic treatment I offer. This enables Scar Reduction, both filling in indentations from acne and other causes, and softening scars that are tight and uncomfortable.
Facial and neck wrinkles can be postponed (sometimes for many years) or reduced in those under 50, and softened and reduced in those over 50.