Certifications: Acupuncture, Prolotherapy, Advanced Injection Therapies / IVs, Aesthetic Procedures, Prescriptive Authority
I warmly welcome you in your decision to learn more about Naturopathic Medicine! Her educational background includes four years of human biological and agricultural sciences from the University of Saskatchewan (B.Sc.A. grad 1998) and she received her four year Doctorate at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto (N.D. grad 2002). Dr Griffith views the body as an integral whole where symptoms of disease are seen as warning signals of improper functioning of the body. She sees the process of seeing a Naturopathic Doctor as a learning process which includes various stages of reflection on health and information gathering. The initial assessment encompasses gathering the necessary information on all levels of wellness – physical, mental and emotional. The objectives are:
- Identify factors that contribute to an individual’s state of health and the possible causes for disease.
- Identify obstacles that prevent an individual from improving their health.
- Explore personal philosophies that create the context required to understand the process of healing.
- Educate individuals on how to listen to their body and become active in the assessment process through self- awareness.
- Identify areas that Naturopathic Medicine is unable to address and insure the proper referrals are made, approaching the integration of treatment methods in healthcare.
- Engage the patient in an ongoing assessment of their health by providing the necessary tools to monitor their progress.
Dr. Griffith’s treatment modalities include Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Homeopathic Medicine, Western and Eastern Herbal Medicine, dietary and lifestyle counseling, vitamin/mineral and injectable supplementation. She also offers food and environmental allergy testing.
Dr. Griffith consistently maintains a focus on the importance of mind-body medicine. She also facilitates group discussions that are based on the connections between physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wellness within the experience of serious illness. Her approach is to bridge personal health with the social dynamics that are unique to communities. In building strong individual awareness of health, she works towards building an integrated community approach to wellness.
Dr.Griffith carries professional liability insurance coverage, and holds prescriptive authority in the province of BC. For over 12 years, she has been working at the Gya’Wa’Tlaab Healing Centre in Kitamaat Village, providing care to men who are in the early stages of alcohol and drug recovery.