Ayla Lester, ND
Ayla Lester, ND
MPB Naturopathic Ltd.
3561 Blanshard St Unit 217
Victoria, BC V8Z 0B9 250-888-3729250-888-3729
Other offices:
Beam Beauty and Wellness Centre
3561 Blanshard St Unit 217
Victoria, BC V8Z 0B9 (778) 440-2289(778) 440-2289
Ayla Lester, ND

Certifications: Acupuncture, Prolotherapy, Advanced Injection Therapies / IVs, Aesthetic Procedures, Ozone Therapy, Prescriptive Authority

Medically trained and naturally focused, Dr. Ayla Lester is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor. Forever interested in perusing a career in medicine, she graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Calgary and then went on to study Naturopathic Medicine at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine in Greater Vancouver. She been practicing Naturopathic Medicine since 2017. Her practice started in Copenhagen Denmark in an integrated and collaborative clinic setting and has evolved to supporting patients in Calgary Alberta in collaboration with Functional Medicine doctors and now in Victoria and Duncan BC. 

Dr. Lester treats your whole being - your body, mind, and spirit. Her work with you involves addressing the root cause of your health imbalances, getting to the heart of an issue rather than continually masking symptoms. She fundamentally believes in the healing power of nature – the body’s ability to heal itself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually when provided the proper environment and with removing any obstacles in the way of optimal functioning. With precision testing and individualized treatments, extraordinary things will begin to happen with your health.

Dr. Lester has a general medical practice, though her focus is on creating strong foundations of health for all patients that work with her. This involves:

  • balancing hormones (for women and men)
  • enhancing detoxification
  • improving digestive health
  • optimizing immune function
  • increasing energy production
  • boosting brain power, mood, and sleep
  • restoring heart vitality
  • preventative care – focusing on longevity & resiliency


Lifestyle factors continue to be the bedrock of health and are always explored in great depth – nutritious food, adequate restful sleep, water intake, movement practices, time spent in nature, stress management, nervous system balancing, and your relationships and social networks. 

She has advanced training in complex chronic illness including CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome) from mold/water damaged environments, Lyme, and/or chronic infections (parasites, viruses, bacteria, and fungus), and she supports those struggling with chronic fatigue, allergies, asthma, histamine, and autoimmune disease. 


More information on her website: https://www.drlesternd.com